Praisegod Mduduzi Ntuli

2023 IVLP Impact Award Project: Empowering Teachers in Limpopo South Africa to Teach about Racism, ‘Othering’ and GenocideSouth Africa

Praisegod Mduduzi Ntuli is a political strategist and junior consultant in political and government communication. He has worked as an educator and facilitator for the past nine years with a focus on human rights, genocide and the Holocaust. Mduduzi has produced and presented podcasts for three years.

IVLP Impact Award Project: Empowering Teachers in Limpopo South Africa to Teach about Racism, ‘Othering’ and Genocide

This project educated social sciences and history teachers in South Africa on how to teach about the Holocaust and genocide histories and encourage dialogue about race, racism, othering and discrimination, while making connections to South African and global issues. The project featured a workshop with teachers from the Limpopo province in South Africa. During the workshop, teachers were trained on how to approach teaching the subjects of the Holocaust and genocide, using them address to race and racism within South African society.

90 teachers (30 more than the target goal of 60) attended a two-day workshop that provided them with tools, resources and skills to teach about racism, othering and genocide.

Participants discussed and shared strategies for coping with the triggering reactions in themselves and their students while navigating classroom discussions of racism and genocide.

The teachers have been connected so they can continue to provide support to each other and share further online resources in addition to those shared in the workshop.

"It made me empowered and enriched; I think the way I approach my history lesson will be different" - Project Participants

IVLP Exchange Experience 

Mduduzi was a participant in the IVLP Project The Problem We All Live With: Dismantling Racial and Social Injustice, organized by the U.S. Department of State and the Institute of International Education.

Mduduzi's exchange experience led to the development of his IVLP Impact Award Project: "This was a life-changing experience, it [introduced] me to a world view of contemporary issues about race, racism, its systems, and aftermath which [can be still felt] today."

U.S. Communities Visited

Montgomery, AL; Washington, DC; Chicago, IL; Tulsa, OK

Country: South Africa 

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