Diana Ortiz Burns

Director of Facilities @ Meridian

Diana Burns, CEFP, LEED Green Associate, Director of Facilities, is a conscious, energetic, and strategic leader with a decade of experience in facilities and operations management, design and construction, and education. Her responsibilities include oversight and development of facilities maintenance programs, daily operations, safety and security, and regulatory compliance. In addition to her daily responsibilities, Diana’s work will also include the leadership and management of Meridian’s capital / construction projects, and her strategic / master planning, project management, and change management experience is particularly beneficial and important for Meridian at this time. Her eye for strategy and design helps teams in weaving mission objectives with tactical objectives (design), ultimately helping organizations achieve their goals by capturing opportunities and creating transformational change (where called for).  


Diana is an active volunteer and contributor to her causes and industries, providing thought leadership, educational programs, and public speaking in the areas of next generation leadership development, education, sustainability / environment, health and wellness, and animal welfare. She serves on several regional boards including APPA MD/DC Chapter (third-term director), DMV Independent School Alliance (VP strategic innovation and learning), and the FM Pipeline Team, and holds several certifications including APPA Certified Educational Facilities Professional, USGBC LEED Green Associate, Human Resources, Active Shooter Response Training, and Sustainable Health and Nutrition. She graduated from Muhlenberg College with a B.S. in Environmental Science and minor in Sustainability Studies.