Dare Dia

2023 IVLP Impact Award Project: The Basics of Sewing in 15 DaysMauritania

Dare Dia has 14 years of experience in the fields of art, textile designs, and public works. He graduated in 2008 with degrees in Public Works and Spanish. He works as a freelancer in public and private construction sites and has an export and import business in fashion. He speaks several languages including ​​French, English, Arabic, and various African languages. 

IVLP Impact Award Project: The Basics of Sewing in 15 Days

This project brought together women from underprivileged backgrounds to learn sewing techniques and acquire useful skills that will aid them in the workforce. During his 15-day training project, Dare Dia, along with a professional stylist and designer, taught 10 women the basics of sewing, embroidery, and how to work with textiles. Participants acquired the basics of modern sewing and the use of a digital embroidery machine (manipulation of fabrics, cutting, embroidery, assembly and finishing). At the end of this training, each participant designed and sewed a piece by themselves and received an individual evaluation. Participants also received certificates of completion to show to potential employers and recommendations on how to continue their sewing during the evaluations. Since completing his project, Dare has placed 5 participants as interns in the local fashion industry and is working with the remaining 5 to find similar opportunities.

IVLP Exchange Experience 

Dare was a participant in the IVLP Project Entrepreneurship as the Engine of Prosperity and Stability - Small Business Development, organized by the U.S. Department of State and Meridian International Center.

U.S. Communities Visited

Washington, DC; Orlando, FL; Chicago, IL

Country: Mauritania 

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