Mustafa Abubakr

Senior Program Associate, IVLP @ Meridian

Mustafa Abubakr received his Bachelor of Arts degree in 2021 from The Ohio State University with concentrations in Sociology and International Studies. Most recently, he worked as a Program Assistant with Muslim Family Services of Ohio, where he helped immigrant family's complete citizenship applications, file for rent assistance, and served as an Arabic translator. Mustafa also served as an Office Assistant for the Peace Corps and participated in the Woodrow Wilson Center Africa Program Stafford Capacity Internship, where he carried out research and developed memos on U.S.-Africa relations. During his undergrad studies, Mustafa participated in an education abroad program in Kigali, where he studied the 1994 Rwandan genocide and its aftermath in the country. Additionally, Mustafa participated as a volunteer teacher for Youth for Sudan, teaching “Leadership and Teamwork” classes at the University of Khartoum.